Howard Hanna Real Estate Careers

Community Commitment

Children’s Free Care Fund

Beginning in 1988, with a few office pot luck luncheon fundraisers (called “Chow Chows”), the mission was simply to assure that children are never denied the care they need, due to their current economic situation. Whether fundraising to help un- or underinsured families afford life-saving treatments for their children, fundraising for programs that support education for children with special needs, or fundraising for end-of-life care that insurance does not cover, Howard Hanna agents and employees have supported this mission by volunteering their time and resources to help give a better quality of life to those less fortunate.

Since the beginning of our free care fundraising, Howard Hanna agents and employees have come together to raise more than $18 million. We are now raising more than $1 million each year to continue building the Fund. As Howard Hanna continues to expand into new regions and states, we are beginning to fundraise for the free care funds at children’s hospitals in those areas as well.




Coats for Kids

2022 marks the 41st anniversary of Coats for Kids – Cleveland (CFK), started in 1981 by local radio station employees who realized that many children were missing school because they did not have warm coats. That November, CFK was founded and the radio station began soliciting donations of gently worn coats and cash donations to purchase new coats. Since that initial campaign, thanks to monetary and coat donations, hundreds of thousands of new and like-new coats have been distributed to children (ages 0 – 18) in need throughout northeast Ohio.



Grassroots Efforts

Howard Hanna agents and staff care about their communities. In addition to participating in our corporate fundraising events, Howard Hanna agents and offices spearheaded dozens of volunteer events and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. They donated turkeys for Thanksgiving feasts, toys for children in need, cookies for older community members... and so much more!